What we offer
- Our dedicated Kuruka counsellors typically provide support to SGB clinets for around 12 months plus
- The amount of support provided will be dependent on need, but typically clients benefit from up to 15 hours
support each month. This covers meetings - which may be in-person or virtual - as well as desk work and field
work undertaken with and for the client
Services offered
- Support better clarity – articulating oneself and one’s business
- Act as a sounding board – on strategy, decisions, challenges, or opportunities, offering suggestions.
- Promote critical thinking – challenging rationale and improve their line of logic.
- Offer key information – spurring interest and promoting further research.
- Help prepare and review materials – e.g. business plans, marketing strategies, and investment proposals.
- Build core business and financial skills – e.g. financial literacy, management and planning.
- Build stronger leadership skills – moving from entrepreneur to business leader.
- Systems and structures development – including governance and organisational.
- Build effective teams – including hiring, managing staff and developing staff.
- Develop habits and discipline – such as regular accounts or data-driven decision making.
- Reflect and improve self-awareness – understanding behaviours and motivations for decisions.
- Express emotion – including space and freedom to discuss stresses and anxieties.
Other, ad hoc support
- Information and knowledge – factsheets covering aspects of legislation and regulation (with context specific information), marketing, financial control, quality control and HR.
- Training sessions – on topics such as finance, marketing and sales, governance, etc.
- Wellbeing promotion – helping individuals build and maintain a better mental state.
- Networking – opportunities for clients to network both domestically and internationally - to look for suppliers, to look for customers and to look for partners.
- Follow-on finance – support to engage with suitable follow-on financiers and with investment facilitation.